The Formative Years |

Developmental Tracking

 The first of the 3 phases is Infant Toddler Tech. When a child is born, the family enters the ATLAS program here. Though families can enter our continuum at any point, ideally each family would begin the journey in this foundational program. Expectant mothers are partnered with an Infant Toddler Specialist whose sole purpose is to walk side by side with them, providing the knowledge, resources, training, and even emotional support they need to ensure that their child stays on track in their development. ATLAS has uniquely designed this program around the CDC milestones for early childhood development with a screening system that allows us to track each child’s key developmental landmarks and intervene as necessary. Each parent and child receives customized and specific support for exactly where they are. 

Milestone Appointments

Appointments between the parents and their specialist are strategically scheduled around key developmental milestones where the children are assessed and parents are given resources and training to support their infant or toddler in their development.

As mentioned above, appointments with our specialists follow the early childhood developmental milestone schedule from the CDC. These milestones are used by pediatricians and child health experts to follow children closely as they grow, intervening when red flags may appear. ATLAS has adopted this schedule and the checkpoints within, but has tailored them to not only track the child’s growth, but promote and enhance each parents ability to lead their children as the primary teacher in their lives. Our specialists utilize the appointments to get caught up on where each child is, model activities for the parents to move the children forward, and provide additional guidance and support for specific areas of need that arise. Each child is different so it is critical that our team is continually learning and growing so they can meet the families where they are!

Infant Toddler Resource Kit

After each appointment, parents receive a customized Infant Toddler Tech Resource Kit that includes information, activities, and instructional guides to encourage and enhance the growth of their young child. Within each kit comes a book for parents to continually be reading to their infant or toddler. And lastly, parents receive parent cues for them begin instilling biblical foundations in their child’s hearts and minds.



See how each part of the program progresses children toward 3rd grade literacy!